Travel Photographer of the Year 2009 - nagrodzone zdjęcia

Kilka dni temu poznaliśmy zwycięzców konkursu "Travel Photographer of the Year 2009". Dziś prezentujemy nagrodzone prace.

Autor: Marcin Grabowiecki

22 Grudzień 2009
Artykuł na: 2-3 minuty

Travel Photographer of the Year 2009

Winner: Akash - Bangladesh

Ship breaking yard, Gaddani, Pakistan. G.M.B.Akash, Bangladesh

Young Travel Photographer of the Year 2009

Winner: Courtney Krawec - Australia, A Place I love

Runner Up: Daniel Leitch, UK

Runner Up: Josh Zimber, USA

Runner Up: Oscar Lebeck, Germany

Runner Up: Pujavenkat Kolluru, India

North Coast of New South Wales, Australia. Courtney Krawec, Australia

Portfolio - People of the world

Winner: Martin Edström - Sweden

Runner Up: Karoki Lewis - Uk / India

Highly Commended: Larry Louie - Canada

Commended: Lasse Damgaard - Denmark

Cape Verde fishermen, 400 miles from home, Mamelles, Dakar, Senegal. Martin Edstrom, Sweden
Khirki village, New Delhi, India. Karoki Lewis, India/UK

Best Single Image in a Portfolio - People of the World

Winner: Johan Ensing - Netherlands

Special Mention: Lung Lui - Canada

Kevin Cozma - Canada

Portfolio - Natural Wonders

Winner: Craig Churchill - UK

Runner Up: Daisy Gilardini - Switzerland

Highly Commended: Sue Flood - UK

Commended: Louis Montrose - USA

Fairy tern, Midway Atoll, Hawaii, USA. Daisy Gilardini, Switzerland

Best Single Image in a Portfolio - Call of the Wild

Winner: Sue Flood - UK

Portfolio - Homeland

Winner: Poras Chaudhary - India

Runner Up: Karoki Lewis - UK / India

Highly Commended: Craig Easton - UK

Commended: Ron Tear - UK

Festival of Colours, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India. Poras Chaudhary, India

Best Single Image in a Portfolio - Homeland

Winner: Craig Easton - UK

Special Mention: Harold Mundt - Germany

New Talent 2009 - A Traveller's Tale

Winner: Taylor Weidman - USA

Runner Up: Douglas Ljungkvist - USA

Highly Commended: Shelby Karns - USA

Commended: Kym Morris - Australia

Orphan sniffing glue, Bucharest, Romania. Taylor Weidman, USA

One Shot - Festival, Fiesta & Celebration

Winner: Louis Montrose - USA

Runner Up: Jonathan Banks - UK

Highly Commended: Mark Edward Harris - USA

Commended: Kieron Nelson - Canada

First Shot - Postcards From Anywhere

Winners: Sheryll Sulit - UK

Jonathan Allen - UK

Deb Hillerby - UK

Mieke Boynton - Australia

Julie Ruck - USA

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Więcej w kategorii: Galerie
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